Thursday, August 27, 2015


I've been busy lately and haven't had much time to blog.
I'll be back in September
Until then....


Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Who I Was in High School

Linking up for Show & Tell Tuesday

Here is a little glimpse into who Tiffany was in high school...

I turned 14 the summer before starting 9th grade.
I had long blonde hair and braces...
 I was on the pom pom squad for the marching band

My big Senior brother drove me and my bff Amanda to school in his 1990 Honda Accord hatchback blasting Offspring...
I did well in school, I liked school and I loved being in the band & orchestra where I played the trombone...
I went on a trip to Florida with the band as well and had a blast.
Got so sunburned, I had to wear long sleeves and a hat

I was in chorus and was also in the play, Hello Dolly!
I made tons of friends in band... and we hung out often.
Spent the summer working at the local water park
Sophomore year... My mom took me to school in the morning
Also did the play, this year it was Bye Bye Birdie - loved every second of it.
 Worked at the local water park that summer....and met my first "real" boyfriend who lived here in the summer and in PA in the winter.
Chopped my hair off...literally
 Still in the band, orchestra and chorus, but advanced chorus now.


Junior year, my friends Crystal and Jamie drove me to school when my mom didn't.
Still in band, anticipating the next year where I'd be pom captain.
Still in advanced chorus, took a trip to Virginia Beach for a competition.
Quit Orchestra, I was over the trombone
Had my permit so I drove around with my mom and dad quite a bit.
Helped my dad build my first car, a 1959 Austin A-40
Worked at the water park again, still dating the PA guy...
Got my license that summer
Senior year, drove my 1959 Austin to school every day.
Hung out in the parking lot before school, thought I was the coolest thing ever
Quit band because they got rid of Poms and replaced it with Dance Line - still bitter about that (lol)
Got super involved in all things "Senior Class"
In charge of the senior fashion show...
Three Amigos
Went to Texas for Amanda's graduation

Went to prom with great friends

Went to Ocean City after prom

That's a glimpse of who I was from 1996-2000


Friday, August 14, 2015

Mid Month Confessions

Happy Friday!
Linking up with Heather & Elizabeth to share....


In keeping with past practice I feel it's only fair to share with ya'll that our house is still on the market and we are still having showings all the time.  That being said, I am STILL hiding laundry and stuff in my car for these showings! 
Old habits die hard...
My BFF in Texas whom I've mentioned before has the cutest daughter in the world. Well her birthday was the first week in August and her present is sitting on my counter waiting for me to take it to the post office. #auntfail
I'm done with summer. I'm ready for fall and Christmas. Bring on cooler weather. I've already started burning fall candles. 
I generally can't stand Nicki Minaj. But I'm a fan of the song she did with David Guetta "Hey Mama". Not the words because they are odd but the beat. I feel like I'm 17 blasting the song either the windows down. Hahah
I'm seriously obsessed with Starbucks Mango Black Tea. I drink one a day. Usually. And they aren't cheap. But I don't give a damn. 
On our recent trip to Rehoboth Beach Delaware, we got m&m covered chocolate covered pretzels. When we were waiting to eat dinner one night and I was starving so I housed two of them whole ted was putting our name on the waiting list. 
I fall asleep every night thinking about what I'm going to do in our new house. Like, every single night. It's what I fall asleep to after watching full house reruns.
I hate cleaning the bathroom. And I'm bad at it and probably don't do it good enough. Our next house has 2. So when we move in, I'm gonna need my mom to come show me the proper way to do that. I should know this at 33 years old and married. 

That's it for today! Happy weekend! 


Thursday, August 13, 2015

Thursday Thoughts

Lately I've been really recognizing people in my environment and how they interact
(or don't) with one another.
And I've taken a serious step back to re-assess my own life.
Too often I find myself looking at my phone and not up.
I realized I was wasting so much time looking at the news feed on Facebook, that I didn't even realize that I was missing actual face to face interaction with the people in my life.
So I deleted my Facebook account.
3 weeks ago.
And I couldn't be happier.
If you want to see me come over or call me.
Sure, I miss seeing pictures, but in reality, if you are someone important in my life chances are I've seen you in real life and not just the picture on a website.
While I can say that Facebook is both wonderful and evil, I personally have grown out of the need to have it.
Why do I care what some guy I graduated high school with and haven't seen or talked to since then for that matter, is doing?
Why is it my business that a girl who lived on the street where I grew up is at the gym then going to lunch with her girlfriends?
I mean, it's just NOT information that matters in or affects my life.
I still have Instagram, but that's just pictures.
I only follow a few people so it only take a minute or two to check that out.
I just found myself being consumed by social media and got sick.

I've also noticed people in public.......
In the waiting room at the doctor, no one is aware, EVERYONE is looking at their phone.
While driving, and this ticks me off SO bad
While stopped at a light.
While waiting in line at Starbucks.
While waiting in line at the grocery store.
While waiting in line ANYWHERE for that matter.
In a restaurant - I've seen couples completely ignoring each other because they are on their phones and that's just plain sad.
Ted & I have rules about this kind of crap.
I've seen entire families on their phones at the table in a restaurant, I mean, why is this ok?
When I was a kid and my brother and I were out to dinner with my parents, we either colored on our place mats or played tic-tac-toe with our parents.
We talked. We interacted with each other.
It's depressing really when you think about it.

And at what age is it appropriate for a kid to have a cell phone?
My thoughts now: 16
I see these 7 year olds with phones and I want to puke.
Color! Read! Do anything else!!
Devices, iPads, iPods, phones,'s taking over!
Since when did we become a society that needs to CONSTANTLY be engaged ?
 And when did we constantly need to be in the "know"?
Before cell phones and social media life was so simple.
We didn't care where people were or what they were doing.
We didn't spy on people.
There was less bullying
Less jealousy
Less craziness.
Less divorce
I dunno.......I feel pretty strongly about this topic.
I'm old school though.
Throw me in the middle of no where with nothing and I'm good.
I wish I grew up in the 50's
I always said I was born in the wrong decade.
Don't get me wrong, I'm thankful for the advancements in technology for certain purposes.
But when it comes to abusing it, I'm over it.
Hopefully we can level out and find middle ground
Am I alone on this???
Let me know your thoughts.....
On that note..... TGTIF!

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

What's Cookin' Wednesday ~ Pasta Salad

One of my all time favorite summer side dishes is this pasta salad.
I make it all the time in the summer.
It's great to have for lunch the next day too.
Here is what you need:
1 box tri-color spiral pasta
2 slices of provolone cheese cut 1/2 inch thick
2 slices of genoa salami cut 1/2 inch thick
Grape Tomatoes, halved
Small black olives, pitted and halved (or buy sliced)
1 Packet of Good Seasons Italian dressing mix
Vegetable Oil
Red Wine Vinegar
What you do:
Make the salad dressing as indicated - good seasons has their own bottle, so if you don't have one, pick that set up up at the grocery store. It gives you the measurements on the bottle. So make that and stick it in the fridge to set.
Next, boil your water for the pasta & toss in the pasta
While the pasta is cooking, cut the salami and cheese into small chunks.
Next, slice the grape tomatoes in half
And lastly slice the olives if you didn't get the pre sliced ones.
Once the pasta is cooked and cooled, throw all the ingredients into the bowl.
Then pour the dressing on top and mix up well.
Chill in the fridge before serving!
What pasta salads do you love in the summer??

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Winner Winner Chicken Dinner!!

Congratulations Seri !!!!!

 Send me an email with your address so I can ship you your prize!! 

I love giving stuff away. It's so fun. 

So here are a few randoms for your Tuesday. 

My mom is growing the most epic sunflowers I've ever seen. 
I mean...

I dream about Aruba on the daily. I have steel drums and Bob Marley playing on pandora while I work. I have streaming webcams up on my screen and I legit look for cheap trips there just about everyday. #imayneedhelp #addictedtoaruba

I had this major hankering for a black and white milkshake from an ice cream place I used to go to when I was younger. So I went to get one at a different place, tasted like a melted charleston chew and was solo disappointing. 

My mom also has the most epic hibiscus growing in her yard.... hi jake! 


My mom makes THE BEST iced tea in the world. When I stop at her house and see a fresh pitcher I get excited. 

If you don't know this movie, I feel bad for you. It's awesome. Go watch it. 

Andy last and final random for Tuesday is this.... 
Be that again! 

Have a great & Happy day!!

See you tomorrow for a recipe! 


Monday, August 10, 2015

Weekend Wrap-Up

The winner of Friday's Giveaway will be announced tomorrow! 

This weekend was so much fun!! 

On Thursday we headed to Rehoboth Beach Delaware for the night. 

We went to the Dogfish Brew Pub for dinner and walked around the cute little beach town. 

For dinner Ted had an amazing burger with a bacon stuffed onion ring and I had a loaded chicken sandwich. 

After dinner we stopped at Kilwins candy store for the best candy/chocolate I've ever had.  
We took a tour of the Dogfish Head Brewery and it was awesome. 
The Tree house at the brewery
Their "motto"
That's a lot of Punkin' Ale!
Aging barrels
Beer tasting menu
Getting weird at Dogfish!
The hoodie I almost bought because it was FREEZING on the ferry!
The Pirate ship we saw out on the ocean
Found a hoodie in my trunk! It was so windy!
Saturday we spent cleaning the yard and going to my Aunt's for a BBQ
Then headed to my moms for a bike ride
On Sunday we relaxed at the beach and had dinner at moms
It was a perfect weekend!